Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time and there exists a clear interest and willingness among countries to engage in the development of tools and strategies throughout Europe. However, climate change has many weaknesses and faces several barriers, for example: lacks the kind of narratives and metaphors that engage people; lacks the dimension of personal, direct experience of the problem; fails to overcome the psycho-emotional barriers to behavioral change and so on.
Art can be the key to overcome these barriers and enable effective communication! In particular, visual art, such as theatre, using more emotive and personally relevant language, may help bridge the divide between scientific information and personal responsibility.
In this context, the general goal of ClimART is to develop, transfer and implement innovative methodologies for learning climate change through art and theatre. To achieve this general goal, the following specific goals have been defined:
- To promote the professional development of High School teachers strengthening their competences to introduce in High School curricula the climate change issue.
- To reinforce the awareness of High School students through high-quality international experience through theatrical performances on climate change.
- To strengthen the acquisition of key competences (science, art, English language) in High School studies, including disadvantaged learners.
ClimART partnership includes three High Schools (Liceo Classico V. Emanuele II di Jesi, Sophie-Brahe- Gemeinschaftsschule, Instituto de Educación Secundaria Botànic Cavanilles), one VET Centre (SSS” Milos Crnjanski”) and three non-high schools (Eurocube, Cresol and Youth Club of municipality of Stara Pazova). The countries represented by the partners are Italy, Spain, Germany and Serbia.
The direct target groups of ClimART are 100 students and 10 teachers from 4 Schools located in sensitive areas to climate change impacts. Indirectly, ClimART will benefit other groups, mainly teachers from other high schools (100) and professionals working in the field of climate change and art (100).
ClimART implementation follows this structure:
- Beginning – Signature of bilateral agreements, preparation of activities
- High school staff training – Preparation of a technical manuals and training course of highs chool teachers
- High school student training – Implementation of practical tools in classrooms and blended learning for high school students
- Closure – Final evaluation road map for future joint ventures
- Project Management (transversal) – Bi-monthly reports, virtual and transnational meetings
- Dissemination (transversal) – ClimART website, social networks, meetings, mainly addressed highschool students and teachers and professionals.
The IOs produced by ClimART are:
IO1: Climate Change Learning material.
IO2: Theatrical Learning methodologies.
IO3: Methodological guidelines for activation of thematic laboratories.
IO4: Toolkit for transferring technical knowledge to the high school students. IO5: Thematic laboratories for theatrical performances.
It is expected that ClimART implementation contributes at:
- Updating the high school teachers’ competences regarding climate change, art and English.
- Facilitating new opportunities for high school students based on high-quality and innovative learning and international experience.
- Strengthening key competences (science, art and English) in high school students.
- Promoting the alignment of the high school educational offer with the relevant and current issue such as climate change.