Eurocube – SME – (Ancona) Italy
Eurocube is an SME, is a project incubator, whose expertise is to help grow and develop ideas and turn them into concrete, financed business projects.
Its goal is to promote businesses by supporting them in investment decisions, helping them find European financing, developing corporate strategies and policies, defining projects and building appropriate and functional partnerships.
The main areas of activity of Eurocube are: Green Economy, Climate Change, Local (Urban/ Rural) Development.

Liceo Classico V. Emanuele II - School – Italy
The Liceo Classico V. Emanuele II is a public upper-secondary school which promotes the cultural and personal development of its students by following the principles of democracy and equality that are in the Italian Constitution, through dialogue and didactic experience in and out of the school, within the network of schools and institutions in the local area. Many different activities have been done through the years between the school and other partners while recently internationalization has been particularly fostered (eTwinning, Work experience abroad, European and Global Citizenship are among the last projects). The school is trying to give its contribute to the improvement of skills in particular in the field of art by involving both teachers and students in workshops in all its areas of interest (see areas of activities below). Since 2016 the school has also been fully accredited by the Marche Region as a training body with the aim of widening its offer of learning opportunities. The school include about 100 people (including teachers and the staff of the school altogether) and about 500 students.
SSŠ"Milos Crnjanski" - School – (Kikinda) Serbia
SSS „ Milos Crnjanski“ is a secondary vocational school offering education in the fields of medicine, chemistry (environmental protection), food technology and civil engineering. There are 356 students who are 15 – 19 years old, 49 teachers and two educational counsellors (psychologist and pedagogue). The school offers very wide range of extracurricular activities such as drama club, ecology/environmental protection club-Ekogen, various sports and bakery workshop.

OKOSP – Environmental Association - (Kikinda) Serbia
Association of citizens "Youth Club of municipality of Stara Pazova" is established as indenpendet, nongovernmental and nonprofit association. OKOSP mission deals with the following goals: improvement of quality of life of all citizens of Republic of Serbia, especially young ones; foster education of youth and promote all kinds of informal education of youth; rising environmental awareness of citizens, especially young people through different workshops, seminars, round table, conferences, etc.; foster young people to actively participate in community; advocating for providing equal opportunities for all young people, especially young people who live in difficult conditions and young people with special needs, contributing to the improvement of creative use of free time of young people.
Sophie-Brahe-Gemeinschaftsschule - School - (Berlín) Germany
Sophie-Brahe-Gemeinschaftsschule is an High-School, which combines all school years form 1st grade to final graduation in grade 13 (Abitur). Through various forms of teaching, all are optimally and individually encouraged to develop their skills. The school offers an all day care (Ganztagsschule) for primary and secondary school. The goal is to create a school where students from grade 1 to grade 11 can learn together in the same classroom and in the upper secondary level. From the 7th and 11th grade, also pupils from other schools are taken in. In total there are 80 teachers and 4-5 classes per year in secondary school, each with 24 students. In addition to compulsory education for Berlin schools, the school offers compulsory elective courses to strengthen the school profile and individual subjects, i.e. french and spanish, literature and reading, performing, artistic design, computer science and more. The school has a focus on promoting reading competence as a key competency for all students from elementary to senior level. Students participate in (over) regional reading competions or read regularly in kindergartens.

School - (La Vall d´Uixó) Spain
The INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA BOTÀNIC CAVANILLES is an institute of Secondary Education founded in 1952. It is located in La Vall d'Uixó, in the region of La Plana Baixa, in an economic environment dominated basically by the tile industry, and at the moment quite punished by the crisis. Currently has a staff of 100 teachers and 5 people in administration and services. A total of 819 students study, of which 414 study Vocational Training (initial, middle and higher). It is imparted: Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachillerato of Humanities and Social Sciences and Scientific-technological Baccalaureate diurnal and nocturnal; Basic Professional Training Courses of administrative services and electricity and electronics; Training Grade Medium Administrative Management (day and night); Telecommunications Installations; Electromechanics of motor vehicles and Bodywork; Higher Degree Training in Administration and Finance (day and night), Automation and Industrial Robotics and Automotive.
Cresol Association - NGO - (Valencia) Spain
The Cultural Association CRESOL Art and Creativity for a social development, sustainability and solidarity is an NGO with 6 permanent staff and with numerous external collaborators. CRESOL was born due to the need to guide the population towards a more sustainable and balanced socio- economic model that takes into account the real social needs of the population and is based on the criteria of solidarity and common good. CRESOL uses creativity and art, to develop different educational and training activities, as well as promotion, diffusion and awareness that allow developing projects with a positive impact on the path towards a sustainable economy based on solidarity and social values, keeping an eye on the common good and elaborated in creative thinking.